Malaise Of The 1970s Case Study

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Final Exam Essay Questions 1. In detail describe what is meant by the “malaise of the 1970s”. In the 1970s during Nixon’s years of presidency, the America endured economic and social hardships from the Vietnam War. Tensions were growing because of the United States’ involvement. “Malaise of the 1970s” was cause by a series of events occurring such as the oil embargo, competition from the international market, stagflation, and Watergate scandal which led to President Nixon’s resignation. Due to the United States supporting Israel during the Yom Kipper War, the Arab government from the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) issued an oil embargo to the U.S and western countries. This concluded an energy crisis from oil shortages. …show more content…

Automobiles were less expensive and more reliable. The U.S. could not compete with the “Japanese miracle”. United States’ consumptions had more imports than revenues from their country. The economy declined from inflation but there was also a recession from the Vietnam War and international market resulting a stagflation. President Nixon placed a ninety-day freeze on the economy. President Nixon’s dirty tricks from the Watergate Scandal has the American citizens questioning him and the government’s authority. Intruding operatives were hired by CREEP to install listening devices at the Democratic Headquarters, the Watergate Apartment in Washington, DC. Through investigations from recorded tapes, it revealed Nixon’s conspiracy regarding the Watergate case. There were three articles of impeachment from the House Judiciary Committee. Nixon resigned immediately after the …show more content…

Bush. The election of this race would proceed to be a “Florida Fiasco” controversy. Many Americans felt that the election was not legitimate because Al Gore should have won the 2000 Presidential Election. He had 500,000 more votes than Bush. He won the popular vote. The electoral vote gave Bush a small margin of winning. They believed the machine had counted the ballots incorrectly because the votes were too close. Florida law decided to recount the ballots. The percentage of black voters were inaccurate. Florida’s voting system misread non-felons as felons and appeared on the “Felon’s List” so they could not vote. Millions were restricted to vote at the voting polls. Democrats demanded a manual count on ballots. Most of the Republican were voting officials and they eliminated overseas ballots due to deadline date. This disqualified their ballots which reduced the votes for Al Gore. It narrowed his chances of winning the 2000 Presidential Election. The votes finally resulted in a victory of 537 votes for Bush. This election was the first in U.S. history for the Supreme Court to be the ultimate deciding

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