Major Donnie Dunagan Analysis

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Major Donnie Dunagan, a retired marine, kept a secret from his fellow comrades for over 25 years. He also managed to keep the same secret from his wife for two years. It wasn't until Dunagan's wife discovered a box of movie memorabilia in their attic that she realized that her husband had kept a part of his past hidden from her. Dunagan voiced the role of Bambi and served as a model for the young deer in the 1942 Disney film. He managed to keep his secret from those closest to him for a very long time. As a young child, Dunagan got into acting almost by accident. Outside of his two-bedroom flat in Memphis, Tenn., a man would dance on the street corner as a means of making money during the Depression. Dunagan was mesmerized by the act and spent much of his time watching dance. His mother took him down one day to see the man, where Dunagan began to perfectly imitiate his moves. …show more content…

Dunagan has fond memories of Walt Disney and enjoyed working with him. Disney chose him because his face as a young boy was similar to the iconic deer. Dunagan remembers filming the movie fondly. He voiced the role and then acted out the deer's movements, turning left or right as needed. In the scene where Bambi is kissed by the young doe, Dunagan was asked to make a disgusted face. He was having so much fun playing the role, however, that he found it difficult to look unhappy. The director then told him to imagine drinking castor oil and that promopted him to make the unhappy face that is well-remembered by fans of the movie. Dunagan fell out of childhood acting after "Bambi," when he was placed in an orphanage. He joined the Marine Corps when he was older, where he served for over 25 years. He served in a variety of billets during his service and later became the youngest drill instructor in the hisotry of the service. He deployed to Vietnam in 1967 as part of the 3rd Battalion, 5th

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