Maine State Prison Summary

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The documentary was filmed inside of Maine State Prison over the course of three years examining the use of solitary confinement and the needs to reduce the use of solitary confinement. Prisoners are usually placed in solitary for disciplinary reasons and under new reforms have the opportunity to meet with a review board to discuss what the inmate needs to improve to be released from solitary confinement, the review board also gives the inmate the chance to plea why they should be released. All the inmates’ interview when being placed into solitary confinement expected their mental state to deteriorate and with no surprise their mental states were severely compromised. In Maine, the Warden has recognized that the use of solitary confinement is driving the inmates into a psychotic …show more content…

Maine has started introducing programs into the solitary confinement unit that aims at reducing how dangerous the individuals are by aiming at correcting attitudes and developing coping skills. Once they feel they the individuals can return to general population without hurting themselves or others they go through a unit to prepare them for general population since many individuals experience extreme paranoia after leaving solitary confinement. Almost all the individuals interviewed stated that they cut themselves to feel free from the confinements of prison. But I noticed that after each individual cut themselves they have demands or issues that they felt simply were not being heard until inflicting self-harm. Though nothing was immediately done to correct there issue they seem to have an immediate relief once they have been extracted from the cell and sit down and talk about the issue. I found the study conducted on monkeys to be extremely interesting

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