Maglev Research

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Maglev Research

Studies show that people are reluctant to abandon automobile use for trips of less than 100

miles, while planes are most efficient at trips of over 500 or 600 miles. The trips in between these

distances are those that will be best served by magnetic levitation (Maglev) transportation

systems. By replacing short, inefficient commuter flights between cities, maglev trains might

eventually link sections of the country, ease traffic congestion on the highways, and help alleviate

overcrowding at airports. Aside from its transportation benefits, a maglev system will create jobs

for a wide range of industries.

Magnetic levitation uses magnetic waves to suspend and propel vehicles along a guideway

similar to monorail guideways. To understand how this works we will go into a little physics. A

theorem devised by William Earnshaw proves that it is not possible to achieve static levitation

using any combination of fixed magnets and electric charges. Static levitation means stable

suspension of an object against gravity. There are however, a few ways to levitate by getting

around the assumptions of the theorem.

The proof of Earnshaw’s theorem is very simple if you understand some basic vector calculus.

The static force as a function of position F(x) acting on any body in vacuum due to gravitation,

electrostatic and magnostatic field will always be divergence’s. divF=0. At a point of equilibrium

the force is zero. If the equilibrium is stable the force must point in towards the point in towards

the point of equilibrium on some small sphere around the point. However, Gauss’ theorem, the

integral of the radial component of the force over the surface must be equal to the integral of the


... middle of paper ...

...e of Transportation

Moynihans, Daniel Patrick, US Senator, New York. Scientific American - Letters to the Editor. February

1998., pg. 1.

Argumentative view on previous article “ Maglev: Racing to Oblivion?”(Oct 97)

Electromagnetic Levitation and Suspension Systems

B.V. Jayawant, Publishers: Edward Arnold, London, 1981 Pg11

Examination of nature’s forces.

On the Nature of the Nature of the Molecular Forces Which Regulate the Constitution of the Luminferous


Earnshaw, W., Trans. Camb. Phil. Soc., 7, pp 97-112 (1842).

Free Suspension of Bodies in Electric and Magnetic Fields

Braunbeck, W. , Zeitschrift Fur Physik, 112, 11, pp 753-763 ( 1939).


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