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Macro and Microeconomic Concepts and Global Expansion
When a business owner is contemplating entering the global market, its imperative the have a strong knowledge of micro and macroeconomic concepts. Microeconomics is the study of supply and demand as related to individual businesses. The basic concepts of microeconomics enables business owners to determine how much of a product to produce and what to charge for it. Macroeconomics concentrates on the national economy as a whole and provides a big picture as to the mechanisms of the business world. Today I will define several macro and macroeconomic concepts and how they apply to supply and demand principles when deciding to expand a business globally. First, lets discuss the World Bank
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It is calculated using the formula GDP = C + G + I + NX where: C = consumer spending, G = government spending, I = sum of business spending on capital, NX = total net exports (exports – imports). It is regularly used as an indicator of the economic growth of a country. (Gross Domestic Product, 2014) When a company exports goods that money increases the exporting country’s GDP. When they import products it decreases the country’s GDP. If there are more exports than imports, net exports will be positive. The opposite is true if there are more imports than …show more content…
It is not a literal market in a centralized location, but a network operated via modern technology. In 2004, the daily global turnover at exchange markets reached $1.9 trillion (Frankel, J., 2008). The exchange rate is the price of foreign currency. This price fluctuates daily. This can create a potential problem depending on the market you’re dealing with. It would be wise for a company to compare costs of exchanging currency through a local bank versus a foreign bank to receive the best deal.
Labor Theory of Value The Labor Theory of Value (LTV) is a concept proposed by Adam Smith that connects labor to price. He believed that the value of goods and/or services is based on the labor used to produce it. Those that oppose this theory feel it is severely flawed and the value of goods and services should be a function of supply and demand.
Marginal Rate of Transformation Marginal Rate of Transformation (MRT) is a tool used to determine the cost of stopping production of one item to produce more of another. MRT relates to the production possibility frontier, which is the quantity of out put obtainable for a specific quantity of inputs using available technology. For example, if my company produced Toyotas and there was an overstock of Camry’s with a demand for Corolla’s, I would calculate the cost of changing production to
Gross domestic product (GDP) is one of the best ways to measure how a country’s economy is doing. A main component in figuring the GDP is personal consumption expenditures. Personal consumption expenditures accounts for about two-thirds of domestic
Only what to produce and how to produce, since distribution is not the task of economics.
To put it simply, the exchange rate is a price. As with any other market, price is determined by supply and demand. Whenever they are not equivalent, the exchange rate would change. However, the reality comes to be far more complicated.
We can read about supply and demand and if we study it over a period, we can see it in action. However, by using the Supply and Demand simulator, we can see it work in action. We can watch the shifts of the supply curve and demand curve based on the various inputs. We can see how shifts affect equilibrium price, quantity, and decision making. From learning more about supply and demand, we can then apply what was learned. We can apply microeconomic and macroeconomic concepts to help with understanding factors that affect shifts. After gaining an understanding of these factors, we can better understand how price elasticity of demand affects a consumer’s purchasing and pricing strategy as they relate to
This paper aimed to show how both macroeconomics and microeconomics plays a role in the overall success of an organization. The key decisions confronting the firm right from inception to operation to growth are themes business, economics can explore and which are useful for entrepreneurs and business leaders. With increasing globalization, the fact that firms now operate in a global arena means that they must have the knowledge of how macroeconomic trends affect macroeconomic decisions.
GDP measures the total value of all goods and services produced within that territory during a specified period. GDP is used to measure a country’s wealth. Basic’s of life, food, etc. shelter and clothing is not likely available to most people in poorer countries. The.
In this article written by Dr Econ we see that he split up the problems into two sections; the Micro and Macro economy. In the Micro economy he sees that as gasoline prices increase, household budgets are having to be changed to suit this problem which leaves less money to be spent on other items that are vital for life. This also is why people can no longer buy luxuries for themselves and as I found in my questionnaire, 65% of people say that they can longer afford as much as they have before. 10 out of 12 females stated that they can no longer afford to buy luxuries for there families as well as themselves.
GDP is the total aggregate income of the United States. It comprises consumption, investment, government spending, and net exports. GDP in the fourth quarter of 2000 grew at a 1.1% annual rate, the lowest since a 0.8% increase in the second quarter of 1995. The below par performance in GDP is due to those factors that comprise the GDP. The most important of which is consumption.
Investing or venturing into the international market involves critical analysis of the internal and external environment in which the company operates. Usually, a company will decide to venture internationally due to a saturated market or fierce competition in the current country of operation. The demand for a company’s products may have diminished as a result of an economic crisis thus the company will target a foreign market to sustain its sales. In other words, the firms expand internationally to seek new customers for its products. For example, the current Euro zone crisis led to low demand in Europe and many companies extended their businesses to emerging markets where demand was high. A company may also venture in the international market to enhance the cost-effectiveness of its operations especially for manufacturing companies that will benefit from low costs of production in developing world. Global expansion is a long term project as it involves demanding logistics to be successful. Thorough research must be undertaken to ensure that the expansion will create value for share...
- GDP: Dollar value of all final goods and services produced within a country in a given year; output
GDP per capita is a measure that evaluates the economic performance and standard of living within a country. The term GDP refers to gross domestic product, which is a quantified sum of goods and services produced within a country over a specified time span. The calculation of GDP is used to analyze the economic performance level of a country, the units used to evaluate this measure is [C (consumer)+ I (investment)+ G (government) + (X-M) (exports-imports)]. GDP per capita is a ratio between GDP and population, which can be derived from the real GDP (adjusted for inflation) divided by the population. From this calculation of GDP divided by population, we are then able to determine the standard of living within a country. Standard of living
The foreign exchange markets allow the conversion of currencies, where it helps the firms to conduct trade more efficiently across the national boundaries. In addition, firms can shop for low cost financing in capital markets all over the world and then use the foreign exchange market to convert the foreign currency that they got into whatever currency they require. With the foreign exchange nowadays, anyone can go to other country by converting their domestic currency into the foreign currency. The foreign exchange will follow the rate of exchange according to the country's rate. But still, the foreign exchange market is actually dealing with fluctuation where sometimes it has upward and downward movement.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP) is the total market value of in a country’s output. The GDP is the total market value of all final goods and services produced by factors in within given period of time that located in the country doesn’t matter they are citizens or foreign-owned companies. Hence, the GDP is the best way to measure the country economy.
Foreign exchange market is the market for the purchase and sale of foreign currencies. Foreign exchange is highly liquid assets denominated in a foreign currency and facilitates international trade and international transactions. When it comes to trading goods or services internationally, the payment is made by the foreign currency. It has to exchange with the local currency and the exchange will generally take places in the foreign exchange market. The most popular foreign exchange markets are London New
What is Microeconomics? This question was left unanswered when I initially enrolled in this course. Microeconomics is the social science that studies the implications of individual human actions, specifically about how those decisions affect the utilization and distribution of scarce resources. Microeconomics shows how and why different goods have different values, how individuals create more efficient or more productive decisions, and how individuals best coordinate and cooperate with one another. Microeconomics does not try to explain what should happen in a market, but instead only explains what to expect if certain conditions change. For instance, If the price of the new iPhone 8 is higher than the previous model will the consumer buy it? There are several elements that will play into getting an answer for this question, but gives you a general idea of what microeconomics entails.