Machiavelli's Pursuit Of Power

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Machiavelli believes that men respect power, but they will take advantage of kindness. He does not trust man’s intent and views human nature to be corrupt and evil filled with selfish goals. He believes that when given the opportunity one must destroy completely, because if one does not then he will be destroyed. Machiavelli appeal to the facts which are undeniable. He deals with sitiuations as they are and not what people want them to be. His look on human beings is driven from the historical evediance of how huamn beings have treated one another. The end of prserving the state justifies any taking immoral means to reach the end because it is what is required for you to have power and to be able to lead lead. The end justifys the means and …show more content…

A prince may remain in power in spite of man’s nature. Also, it does not matter how the state achieves its goals, as long as these goals are achieved. Violence or immoral behavior, is a necessary evil in the many circumstances when governing a country. As long as it is used with great care and for the better and improvement of the state, then it is certainly allowable. Machiavelli does not imply that all violence is good nor does he say all violence is good. He belives that some kind of violence is not nessousary recdeable and virtuous. Virtuou is the ability to inforce your will, social or politican situations. It is a charactor trait that great leader have but this is very diffrent than the virtuou of the cathoiloc church. Catholic virtuou focuses on humality which is useless when in comes to politics. Ambusios, courage and abel to get you hsnds dirty for the good of the country is the charactriestics he wants and values. There are limts to how a person uses violence to the states purpose. For Machiavelli there is perticular way of using voilence to enhance the power and glory of the state not just the individual

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