Machiavelli's Influence On Modern Politics

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I believe that Machiavelli advice to the prince is useful to the modern politician and it can be use in current events and by leaders. We could see his ideas used daily all over the world and one of them is having a strong army. Different politicians and president follow similar ideas that Machiavelli talked about such as taking responsibilities of all your duties that are assigned to you, and not just live virtuously. He also mentioned important qualities that a strong leader should possess and should not possess. For example, a strong leader should not develop generosity and should also avoid promising ideas that are impossible to achieve. He also needs to avoid being hated by the people because it is going to make him weak, and he must not show compassion either. One of the most important ideas that Machiavelli talks about its having a strong army, I believe that this applies to our country because United States has been known for having one of the strongest armies in the world. I think that this is because we have followed one of Machiavelli ideas which …show more content…

One example is if the politicians has unnecessary high taxation will cause the people to hate their government. By doing this you break the rules by not protecting nor helping the people. This main idea Machiavelli encourages politicians to maintain the idea of generosity while avoiding liberality. We have seen several cases like this in our history when the government races taxes because politicians try to be generous to the citizens by giving them free stuff while they are running their campaign, but what we don't know is that the wealthy people are helping them win as long as they returned the favor by changing some laws. Some of this laws that wealthy people would like to change include lowering the taxes for them while lower income families pay

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