Machiavelli Chapter 17

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In chapter 17 of Machiavelli’s The Prince, he talks about how a prince or ruler should lead their people. Specifically in chapter 17, Machiavelli talks about whether a leader should be feared or loved. Machiavelli advises that a leader, if forced to choose between one or the other side with being feared as it will be better for the people in the end. A leader who exemplifies one who is feared is Rodrigo Duterte, the current president of the Philippines. He is very passionate about the drug problem in the Philippines, to the extent where he allowed for the killing of thousands of people suspected of drug possession or selling. Human rights groups and other leaders criticize Duterte for how he chooses to deal with drug offenders, although he disregards and insults anyone who criticizes how he runs the Philippines. Compared to The Prince, Rodrigo Duterte is more of a leader who is feared instead of loved based off of how he runs his …show more content…

In an article by Park Hyuk called “The Philippines' Inhumane Anti-Drug Campaign Is Leading to Mass Murder,” Hyuk discusses the drug problem in the Philippines which resulted in the death of many citizens. In the article Hyuk quoted Duterte and said, “First, President Rodrigo Duterte has publicly encouraged on-the-spot killings of drug suspects, warning drug dealers that ‘my order is shoot to kill you. I don’t care about human rights, you better believe me.’” Threatening any and all drug offenders in the Philippines, Duterte aggravated human rights groups, but also put fear into the minds of Filipinos with how he chooses to deal with drug offenders. Hyuk also says “Duterte previously said he could take care of his own country and would nurture it to health.” This shows that Duterte also has a passion for his country and wants the Philippines to become a better country, although he wants to do it his

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