Macbeth's Deepest Desire Essay

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A Journey into the Hearts Deepest Desire
In society today, people are put in a position where to pursue something they truly desire, the will have to face a moral dilemma. Whether it is to pursue the career of their dreams, move to a different location, or love someone special, people are faced with situations that do not always have the ideal outcome. In Shakespeare’s play “Macbeth”, the audience follow Macbeth as he gradually descends into evil through the unfolding of the plot. Through Macbeth’s soliloquies and asides, the audience get a glimpse into the mindset behind this mastermind. Macbeth is put in a situation where his morals are tested, and as he is focused on pursuing his new found desires remain blind sighted from the rational of his situation. Macbeth’s descent into evil begins with new found desires. He receives delightful news from the three witch sisters that predict good tidings over his future, but by a quick turn of events becomes overwhelmed with the situation presented. He becomes consumed by the news he received, and as desire takes over his thoughts he decides to take a route that truly tests his morale. He is faced with a …show more content…

As Macbeth is left alone in his thoughts he has more motivation, and this burning desire to become king builds inside him. Macbeth finds it difficult to think rationally because his mind is now set on becoming king. The dagger soliloquy Macbeth presents before actually killing Duncan creates suspense and the audience feel the dark intentions of Macbeth. Macbeth begins by saying “Is this a dagger which I see before me, /The handle toward my hand? Come, let me clutch/thee.”(2.1.34-35) revealing his new found intention to killing Duncan. After the death of Duncan .Macbeth becomes the King of Scotland. He fulfilled what he had set out to do, but now Macbeth’s desire

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