Macbeth Good Vs Evil Essay

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Occasionally authors use real world implications as a form of inspiration in order to write great works. This was the case from 1040 to 1057 where King Duncan was killed by the real life Macbeth in Scotland. This inspired the brilliant William Shakespeare to write the drama known as “Macbeth”. During the drama, the main character Macbeth strives to become king. Throughout his endeavor, Macbeth was willing to do anything to obtain the throne. The theme of the play was Good vs. Evil and accurately depicted by some important characters such as the witches, Macbeth, and Macduff.
The first evil introduced in “Macbeth” was the wicked witches also known as the “weird sisters”. At the beginning of the drama, the witches were chanting, “Fair is foul and foul is fair.” (Act I, Scn. i, Ln. 10) This quote proves the witches’ malevolent personalities and the fact that they would rather be malicious and desire to perform evil deeds rather than good ones. Later on in the …show more content…

Numerous times throughout the play, Macbeth reminisced on his dreadful deeds. “I go and it is done: the bell invites me. Hear it not, Duncan, for it is a knell that summons thee to heaven, or to hell.”(Act II, Scn. i, Lns. 62-64) This was said before the murder of Duncan and displays the evil plaguing Macbeth’s heart that drove him to the position of king. Later on Macbeth said, “It is concluded: Banquo, thy soul’s flight, If it find heaven, must find it out tonight.” (Act III, Scn. i, Lns. 141,142) Once again, Macbeth felt threatened by another individual and sought to exterminate him due to his yearning for power. Macbeth never once rationalized his decisions, but only turned to the immorality of murder, slaying innocent people whom they thought were friends of Macbeth. It is obvious to see that Macbeth played a great role of evil within the theme, slaughtering multiple people only to pave the way to the crown and fulfill his own selfish

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