Macbeth Fair Quotes

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Macbeth, a play written by William Shakespeare, is a tragedy surrounding the motif “fair is foul and foul is fair” the main character, Macbeth, and the effects of the murder he committed. Before the murder, Macbeth is brave, caring towards his wife and easy to manipulate; however, after the murder, Macbeth’s behavior towards his wife changes, and he becomes manipulative and he shows false bravery. Before the murder of the King of Scotland, Macbeth is brave, caring towards his wife and manipulative. In Act I of the play, Macbeth encounters three witches and is given three prophecies, with the influence of his wife, Lady Macbeth, Macbeth kills the King of Scotland, Duncan, to hasten the fulfillment of the prophecy. This intern alters Macbeth's …show more content…

After receiving the prophecies, Macbeth wrote a letter to Lady Macbeth explaining everything he experienced, declaring that his fortunes are hers also. He refers to her as “my dearest partner of greatness” (1.5.11-12) expressing his closeness and love for Lady Macbeth. Macbeth proved to be easy to manipulate and greatly influenced by his wife. Before committing the murder of Duncan, Macbeth was influenced and motivated by Lady Macbeth.”From this time, Such I account thy love” (1.5.38-39) lady Macbeth, uses Macbeth’s love for her against him. She questions him on whether he truly loves her; That he should kill Duncan to prove his love for her. Lady Macbeth also used his manhood against him, she insults Macbeth by calling him weak, therefore daring him to commit this crime to prove his love for her and his …show more content…

Act V, Scene III, begins with a soliloquy by Macbeth, where it states, “Till Birnam Wood remove to Dunsinane, I cannot taint with fear” (5.3.2-3) , “Fear not, Macbeth: no man that's born of a woman, Shall e’er have power upon thee”(5.3.6-7) and “The mind I sway by and the heart I bear, Shall never sag with doubt nor shake with fear.” (5.3.9-10). Macbeth clings to the apparitions given to him by the three witches, in hope to feel safe from the upcoming war. He tries to trick his mind into feeling safe and to show a sense of bravado and no worries. It was shown in Act I the closeness in the relationship between Lady Macbeth and Macbeth; the effects of the murder however changed and affected their relationship.The distance in their relationship is shown when Macbeth asks his Doctor on the condition of his patient, not referring to her as his wife. It is also shown in Macbeth's response to his wife's death, “She should have died hereafter; There would have been a time for such a word.” (5.5.17-18). Macbeth casually dismisses the thought and news of his wife's death, stating that this news could have waited until tomorrow and giving the impression that she died at a bad

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