Macbeth Corrupt Essay

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John Acton’s quote about power corrupting people is greatly supported by present, historical, fiction and non fictional characters. Absolute power does corrupt absolutely. Many publicly recognized figures use their power to take away from others. Corruption is the misuse of public power for private gain. Those who are corrupt are morally broken and make poor decisions that deviate away from what the public accepts as correct. (Corruption) Those in leadership positions always take advantage of those under them in some way, further proving that power corrupts.
Former United States President, Bill Clinton was one of the most corrupt Americans in political history. After serving for the first term of his presidency “...the American people …show more content…

This shows how highly Hitler thought of himself and how willingly he was ready to take away the lives of people, just to make his corrupted self more powerful. Aside from political figures, the fictional character Lady Macbeth from Shakespeare's play Macbeth was corrupted by her powerful position. Lady Macbeth manipulated Macbeth into murdering Banquo so that she can see Macbeth become king. Lady Macbeth was more corrupt than Macbeth because his actions were persuaded by Lady Macbeth. Macbeth would not have murdered if it was not for Lady Macbeth coercing him into believing that was the only solution. Lady Macbeth instructed Macbeth to murder to show that she had truly emptied herself of all human emotion and that she was stronger that she had ever been before. Aside from being power hungry, Lady Macbeth was also incredibly greedy. She wanted her husband to take the lives of his dear friends just so that she could be in a higher position next to her king. Her acts were extremely selfish and she cared too much about what others thought of her family. She felt as if Macbeths power was placed in her hand and striving for him to have more power slowly corrupted her insane

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