The Dramatic Fall Of Macbeth Essay

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The Dramatic Fall of Macbeth

Throughout the American history of many heroic leaders an excessive want for the power, leadership, and territory is what led to defeat, downfall, and even death. In the beginning of the play Macbeth was a good man ,but influenced by Lady Macbeth and her question of his manhood and the witches manipulative accusations of becoming King of Scotland forced Macbeth to murder his way to leadership and his death. Macbeth was valiant and brave ,but was influenced by the witches, Lady Macbeth, and ultimately himself.

A person’s ultimate goal is to be loyal to all those peers surrounding them. Macbeth was a loyal soldier to his community until his manipulative surroundings changed his mindset. “Evidence is nevertheless strong and ultimately attractive that a man of Macbeth’s moral sensibility has a moral choice.” (5.8.69) This explains that Macbeth is unsure of what's yet to come ,but he knows he has to remain stable and loyal to himself. Macbeth’s …show more content…

“Macbeth becomes King. But the “settled” is deeply ironic, for he will be more driven restless ecstasy to seek final security. This will require endless crime, but the killing of Banquo is most important, for in resolving upon it, he expresses his own great loss:” (5.2) Macbeth is losing mental stability as he commits murder after murder. He kills King Duncan to become Thane of Cawdor ,then becomes more and more intrigued with the act of murder to gain power. Macbeth begins to lose his sanity ,emotional feeling, and valubility of life. “I am blood Stepped in so far that should I wade no more. Returning were as tedious as go o’er.” Macbeth feels that there is no turning back after he has committed the act of murder. Macbeth’s inability to remain self-conscious leads up to his corruption and physical

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