Macbeth Act 4 Scene 1 Summary

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[Act 4, scene 1] In the beginning of this play , King Duncan who is a nice old man is going to be taken advantage of by Macbeth , a courageous war hero who defends his King , his country , and his honor . Later into the story enter three witches that tell Macbeth he is going to become King of Scotland . He’s excited but than he realizes the problem , if he is going to become King , that he will have to get rid of King Duncan . So he kills King Duncan due to Lady Macbeth spurring the pot to secure that Macbeth will be King now . He gets a visit from the ghost of his murdered friend Banquo that sends Macbeth into a raving fit . Than he celebrates being King . Where it brings us to Act 4 , scene 1 where he visits the three witches . He is now …show more content…

The witches throw into their cauldron a “finger of a birth-strangled babe” and then conjure an apparition of a bloody child that says Macbeth will not be harmed by any man “of women born” . (Macbeth 4.1 30-91) . In this scene of the play it is a monologue since it is a long speech from the second witch during a conversation . The character is talking about casting spells into the cauldron full of nasty objects of things . The three witches are making some type of brew in scotland . They are talking about madness that will happen throughout the play . The dialogue in this scene helps develop the three witches as creating chaos that will soon , later on erupt . These actions are made before they have happened , all of the witches together ; are able to show how their is a lot of chaos of violence . The violence is when later on in the play , Macbeth starts to kill a lot of innocent people from the first killing of King Duncan . The changes are made when the three witches first approach him when saying that he is going to be the most powerful and he takes this into his hands since he believes that he is going to be the most powerful and no one will be able to ever defeat him

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