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MacBeth was a play about a power hungry guy that would do anything to

have power, including killing people. In the play, his moves and

actions were heavily influenced by others. If he had just done his own

thing would he have ended up the way he did? Some of the people that

had an impact on him were his wife, Lady MacBeth, the witches, and

MacDuff. Without the “help” of those people would he have ended up

dead? First of and foremost I think the witches, including Hectate,

play the biggest role in MacBeths downfall. They almost led him up to

killings but not quite. First off they great him by saying, “Thane of

Glamis (which he currently is), “Thane of Cawdor” (what he should soon

be), and “King hereafter.” With that news he cannot hide it from

Banquo whom is there with him. They then tell Banquo that he will be

“lesser than MacBeth, and greater,” “not as happy, but yet much

happier,” and “you shall get kings, but not be one.” Then later on in

the story three apparitions’ come when MacBeth goes to meet the three

witches and the first apparition, which is an “Armed Head” tells him,

“to be aware of MacDuff.” The second apparition, a “Bloody Child,”

comes to tell him that “he can not be defeated by anyone who was born

from a woman.” (We later find out that MacDuff was actually “ripped”

from his mothers womb. The image of this bloody head is very

sickening, but its is believed that it was a metaphor to MacDuff by

his murdered children, and too Banquo as his successors. Then the

third apparition, a “Child Crowned” comes to tell him that “nothing

will happen to him until Birnam wood moves to Dunsinane Hill. All of

those seem like quite impossible tasks put prove themselves to be

true. Then in a very close second I think Lady MacBeth had a major

role in MacBeths downfall. After she received a letter from MacBeth

tell her about the witches prophecies, she decided it would be best to

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