Lutheranism Research Paper

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Lutheranism is one of the oldest and largest Protestant denominations. It was founded by Martin Luther, an Augustinian monk in Germany, as a result of the Reformation in the 16th century. Martin Luther spoke out against the church and the practise of indulgences, famously writing the 95 Theses in 1517. Their opponents named his followers Lutherans. Some of the major events in the Lutheran church include the Edict of Worms in 1521, which placed the Lutherans under imperial ban; the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, which stated that the religion of the ruler in each territory in the Holy Roman Empire was to be the religion of his people, spreading and securing the Lutheran churches; The Formula of Concord in 1577, prepared by theologians to ensure …show more content…

Today, Lutheranism is growing most rapidly in Africa and Asia and the largest Lutheran population outside of Europe is in Namibia in southern Africa. Luther believed that when Jesus made his sacrifice on our behalf, he made it once and for all and there was no reason to repeat it. Because of this, the Lutherans do not use the term ‘Mass’ or ‘Altar’, instead using ‘worship service’ and ‘table’. Lutheran worship is more focused on what they do for God, not what he does for them. Worship is sung and spoken, along with a range of instruments. It is believed that God speaks through the scriptures. Lutherans value the commandment ‘Remember the Sabbath Day to keep it holy’ and hold a Sunday Worship Service including rituals like prayer, hymns, communal readings, blessing, celebration of the Lord’s Supper and benedictions. During a worship service it is believed that Lutherans meet Christ and receive gifts such as forgiveness, hope and …show more content…

They celebrate festivals such as the Nativity and the Annunciation with a special order of worship, but they also include lesser festivals that mark special occurrences in Jesus’ life and commemorate important events in Lutheran History. The days of Holy Week are known as the ‘Days of Special Devotion’ Lutheranism is a quite literal version of the bible. Luther believed that true worship and the true way to honour God was to live exactly by his word in the Bible. This has led to core values such as dignity, justice, compassion, commitment, respect for diversity, inclusion, participation, transparency and accountability. Lutherans believe that God is triune or three in one. They believe that God has revealed the eternal truth to us through the Bible and that it alone is the basis of Christian faith. Lutheranism teaches that God offers gifts of grace and forgiveness to all people through the sacraments of Baptism and the Lords Supper. The word and the two sacraments are tools for the Holy Spirit to work faith and spiritual life into people. They strive to show love to God in a life of loving service to others and are called to Church to praise and worship God and to carry out God’s mission and good news. Lutheran’s know that God will raise up all people who believe on the last

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