Lust In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet is one of the most well-known love stories but has been mislabeled for centuries. The relationship between the two lovers should be classified as lust because their relationship is being based more on physical attraction than personal feelings for each other. In the beginning of the play, Romeo was longing for Rosaline’s love, but could never receive her love because of her vow of being a nun. Romeo shows where he stands with love when he says, “Out of her favor where I am with love.” (Shakespeare i.i 164). Before having a lust for Juliet, Romeo had a lust for Rosaline, however, she did not feel the same way Romeo felt. Devastated, Romeo needed something to distract himself from Rosaline, which was Juliet’s …show more content…

The evidence of their lust can be seen when Juliet speaks, “Give me my Romeo; and when I shall die, take him and cut him out in little stars, And he will make the face of heaven so fine.” (Shakespeare iii.ii 21-23). Juliet is insinuating she does not desire Romeo for his personality, but instead for his beautiful face and body. Considering Juliet’s young age in the play and the symbolic references to the numbers thirteen and fourteen, Shakespeare employed these allusions to draw attention to the premature nature of Juliet’s marriage. Shakespeare is also subtly hinting Juliet is too young/immature to marry and does not know marriage is more than loving someone for their physical attributes. Romeo and Juliet are unwise, mistaking lust and physical passion for love. In addition, they are trying to forget the past relationships they were involved in, and moved faster than any real love would. If the relationship between the two teenagers is not relabeled, people around the world will mistake lust and physical desire for love. Although the sacrifice Romeo and Juliet make for each other is large, Romeo and Juliet is not a love story, but instead a lust

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