Lupus Characteristics

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What is the Main Characteristics of Lupus? Autoimmune, when immune system loses the ability to differentiate between strange invaders and normal tissue. The prefix auto is added to immune because it means self. Autoimmune disorders can be either acquired or congenital depending on the parent’s hormones and the environment. No natural cure is found ye to the autoimmune disorders. However, there are a few treatments to restrain it such as steroids or in some cases chemotherapy. There are many autoimmune diseases such as Hashimoto thyroiditis, lupus, rheumatic fever, graves’ disease, Addison’s, and celiac disease. This essay will talk about lupus, its main characteristics, the most common symptoms, and the general drugs used to treat its symptoms [1]. This essay will cover the main characteristics, the most symptoms, and the general drugs used to treat specific symptoms of Lupus. Lupus is a chronic, autoimmune disease; it is also known as SLE (Systemic Lupus Erythematous) which is disorder that can affect varied parts of the body .Chronic means that the symptoms take a long times to appear. Moreover, autoimmune is a condition when the immune system becomes hyperactive and can not …show more content…

The most distinctive symptom of Lupus is a butterfly rash on the face that covers over both cheeks and the bridge of the nose [2]. For many patients, the rash becomes worsen by exposure to sunlight. Hair loss is also an important characteristic of Lupus and is the first sign of it [5]. Flu is the major common feature in Lupus patients [5]. However, Joint pains can be also severe, the joints are not damaged and this clearly differentiates rheumatoid arthritis from Lupus [5]. another symptom is the change of color of toes and fingers to blue or white when exposed to cold or during stress

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