Luke And Mark Gospel Comparison Essay

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Prompt 1:
Comparisons of the gospels of Luke and Mark Each of the gospels were written for different audiences, with distinctive goals of conversion by their respective authors. However, they told similar stories of the same incidences during the life of Jesus. All four author used different emphasis and literary devices to get their points across. Luke’s rendition of the story of Jesus Christ was literarily the most extraordinary. He used a sophisticated language that was well-suited for the scholarly citizens of the roman empire. Whereas, Mark’s depiction of the Gospel had the opportunity to be written in a more cultured way it is the earliest of the four and thought to be used as a source for both of the other synoptic gospels. The way …show more content…

Though it may seem that the Marcan account of the gospel was artlessly strung together, the compacted verses are loaded with symbols and subtlety (Smith. P.372). He does not put as much emphasis on the sayings of Jesus like many of the other gospels. His gospels do not focus so much on Jesus’ teaching as it does on his action. This can be seen in the first half of Mark. Jesus does not reveal that he is the messiah until the second half of the gospel, Mark 8:27-30, when Peter answered him saying that he was the Messiah. Up until that moment Jesus was acting as the messiah, healing the sick, building up his discipleship and teaching the gospel. Jesus can be seen as a man on the move with power and authority. The first miracle he performs in 1:21-28 is a demonstration of the power he has over demons in particular. Following this death, disease, defilement – all submit to his authority. Throughout the first seven chapters he can be seen ridding the world around him of darkness, making room for the light to seep though (Mark 3:27). After putting all of the emphasis on the authority that Jesus has in the latter chapters, Mark begins to tie everything back to the discipleship being the way back to the cross. The audience of this gospel is to make a decision like Jesus, take up the cross and bear it during persecution or not. Mark leaves little room for thought and

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