Loyal Beast Character Analysis

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Whenever thinking of war and battle, the thought has always come to mind of Sun Tzu’s, “Art of War”. From there, my curiosity pinpointed on the relationships between soldiers and the bonds of loyalty that are formed in battle. The type of leadership defines the effectiveness of an operation. In this case, the leadership involves respectful acknowledgement and a leader who is aware of the needs of those in their command. The soldiers themselves must have affectionate love for their leader and to an extent each other in order to have a reason to be fully loyal. The abstractions I found in “Loyal Beast” written by Chretien de Troyes and “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” which was written by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame-Smith, intrigued me, further, the keynotes of fealty and symbiosis were compelling by how they balance and feed off of one another. Symbiosis is defined as,” a relationship between two people or groups that depend on each other,” by the online Merriam-Webster dictionary which logically exemplifies the commonality between “Loyal Beast” and “Pride and Prejudice and Zombies” by the example of the bond between …show more content…

Darcy and Elizabeth depend on each other for support emotionally and when they fight unmentionables together. While the novel follows the classic tale of “Pride and Prejudice” by Jane Austen, the twist of zombies adds another layer of complexity to the relationships between characters. An example being when Jane, Elizabeth’s sister falls ill after riding in the rain and fighting a group of zombies along the way to pay a visit to the Bingley household, “Elizabeth attended her, silently worrying that her beloved sister had caught the strange plague,” the family is concerned that Jane may have fallen victim to

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