Low Voter Turnout Essay

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Citizen participation is an important part of democracy, and makes sure that our government is fair. In our country, citizens are able (and even encouraged) to participate in political matters that affect our lives. While a big part of the nonvoting population feel like voting is not important due to a “lack of a voice,” others simply don’t vote due to conflicts during Election Day or not undergoing the registration process. The evidence of low citizen participation is seen by voter turnout in recent history. The United States has never required its citizens to vote in midterm and general elections. Because of that, America’s voter turnout has never been significantly high. Within the past 50 years, the presidential election has never exceeded 65%, while midterm elections have never exceeded 50% (Hudson 144). In fact, the 2014 midterm election had the smallest voter turnout since World War II. One reason of why there is a relatively low voter turnout for elections is the lack of motivation. Some citizens may think their voice may not have a significant impact in the Electoral College system, so they don’t participate at all. However, …show more content…

In the US, registering to vote is the responsibility of the citizen. In other countries with high registration percentages, citizens are usually automatically registered once they are of voting-age. Some voting advocates have seen the results of automatic registration and have pushed for automatic registration. Other advocates have also pushed for same-day registration and online registration, which could significantly increase the US’s registration percentage. However, those alternate ideas may not result in a higher voting rate. In 2012, the voting turnout included 84.3% of registered voters (DeSilver, 2015). That shows that most people who voted also went to go register. Making automatic registration a reality in this country may still not motivate people to go

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