Love and Self-Sacrifice in the Matrix Trilogy

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Love and Self-Sacrifice in the Matrix Trilogy

The Matrix Trilogy can be viewed in a number of different ways. Some

audiences saw the films as simply science fiction and the idea of good

verses evil however many looked deeper to see the many others themes

and ideas that the films put forward. One of the key themes that

permeates all three films is the notion of self-sacrifice and how

these acts of self-sacrifice come from love. The love is not always

between two people and is not always the traditional style of love

that we know but a love none the less. It also needs to be said that

the acts of self-sacrifice are in some instances quite subtle and at

other times very obvious.

In the first movie “The Matrix” we see the theme of self-sacrifice

come up quite early in the film We find Trinity monitoring Thomas

Anderson, the hero of the film as he is believed to be the “One” by

Morpheus. The One is believed to be the saviour of the human race and

an extremely important person. The fact that Trinity is monitoring

Thomas is dangerous as she is a freed mind inside the Matrix and the

Agents (the enemy) search the Matrix for these freed minds. This is

how they discover Trinity and they then set about finding and

disposing of her. Trinity is prepared to sacrifice herself so that she

may find the One so that the entire human race may be freed.

The second instance of self-sacrifice is apparent when Morpheus

believes in Thomas Anderson (now known as Neo) so much that he risks

his life to save Neo’s. Morpheus believes that Neo is so important,

that he attacked an Agent, even though he was exceedingly outnumbered.

Neo later learns that he is not the person who Morpheus is searching

for, and subsequently goes onto risk his own life, believing that

Morpheus is an exceedingly important person to the survival of the

human race.

All these instances of possible self-sacrifice and people risking

their lives to save others are based on the idea of the protection of

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