Lost Colony Of Roanoke Essay

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The Lost Colony of Roanoke is one of America's oldest mysteries and still remains unknown today. Roanoke Island was home to about 115 English settlers, but it only lasted three years before the colony mysteriously disappeared. When the colony vanished, the only clue left behind was one simple word, "Croatoan". Croatoan an island just south of Roanoke, was home to a Native American tribe with the same name. Some people believe that the tribe had something to do with Roanoke's disappearance but it has not yet been proven. So, the question still remains, what happened to the colony of Roanoke Island? (history.com)
Roanoke Island was a fort and settlement off the coast of what is now North Carolina, it was initially established in 1584 by English …show more content…

But, due to Spanish attacks on England, White was held up in England for three years. When White finally returned to Roanoke everything had vanished, the houses were gone, the people were gone, there were no signs of life in Roanoke. The only clue left behind was one word carved into wood, "Croatoan". Croatoan was a town south of Roanoke and that was home to a Native American tribe with the same name. "There is an abundance of theories about the Roanoke Colony's disappearance because there's no way to know how the colony disappeared whether it was all at one time or if they were picked off one by one" …show more content…

It's believed that since the new Roanoke colony had built a good rapport with the tribe that they may have moved to Croatoan Island and been taken in by them when they're supplies got dangerously low. People believe this for a few reasons, such as, following the disappearance of the colony, European goods were sighted in the Croatoan area, archaeologists have found verifiable evidence, including a gold ring, part of a rapier, and a slate and pencil that may have belonged to Roanoke colonists. Another reason is, because some English men had spotted two-story stone houses that supposedly English settlers taught them how to build. However, this theory like many others have not been proven. (ranker.com)
Another theory on the disappearance is that the colonists were murdered by Spanish troops. Some believe this because England their mother country, was at war with Spain at the time, which is why White was delayed in England. During the time of the disappearance, there were Spanish troops in Flordia and they were at war with England over colonization in America, so it would make sense for the Spanish to attack a weak, English colony.

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