Lost Colony Of Roanoke Essay

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Alejandra The story of the Lost Colony of Roanoke is one of the oldest American mysteries. This mystery can be traced back to August 1587. On this very day 115 settlers came to the new world from England. They were running out of supplies,so it was decided that a man named John White, who was their governor would return to England for more supplies. Three years later he came back, but to his surprise the colony along with all its people, had mysteriously and weirdly vanished. The only thing that was left was, was the word “CROATOAN” engraved in a fence post, which was the name of a tribe of Native Americans in that area. There are many theories as to what happened to this colony during that very terrible time Governor John …show more content…

The evidence supporting this theory is found in many documentations of future settlers. In the early 1600s, many European colonists claim that they met Native Americans with gray eyes that said, they were descended from white Englishmen, but of course these men and women could have been lying or maybe they weren't. In 1696 a French Huguenot documented that he saw blue-eyed, blond-haired Native Americans that claimed that they descended from a white Englishmen. This was also documented by John Lawson in 1709, in his book A New Voyage to Carolina, and William Strachey also claimed this. DNA testing has been conducted but no DNA connection has been found. A second theory is that, these colonists turned to cannibalism in a desperate attempt to live. The other theory to this theory is that people that were cannibals came to this colony and took them and, well, ate them. None of the Native Americans in that area were known as cannibals so the second theory doesn't really make any sense. The only theory that makes sense is the first one, since the colonists were probably really hungry since Governor John White left to retrieve more supplies and food so they resorted to cannibalism. As far fetched as this may seem it's actually a

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