Loss Of Faith In Elie Wiesel's Night

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The Holocaust was a “dark” time for the Jews. Throughout the story “Night” Jews suffer through the worst and Eliezer, the narrator, feels that he is living in a world without god because of the suffering. The title “Night” symbolizes the dark times in different or all of the Jews’ life’s and all of their losses of faith or most all of them. There are many instances where Eliezer mentions “night fell.” “Darkness” hit during this time period. To begin with, Eliezer mentions many times, “night fell.” The first time is when his father is interrupted while telling stories and informed about the deportation of Jews. Similarly, it is night when Eliezer first arrives at Birkenau/Auschwitz, and it is night-specifically “pitch darkness”-when the prisoners begin their long,tiring and horrible run from Buna. In section 5, Eliezer mocks the idea that the Jew’s are God’s chosen people, deciding that they have been chosen to be massacred. He comes to believe that man is stronger than god, more resistant and more forgiving. Eliezer has been losing faith in God A trail of indeterminate light showed on the horizon. We were exhausted. We were without strength, without illusions.” According to this quote, the prisoners have replaced God because they feel alone and weak in the world now (Helpless). Most of the Jews have lost strength and are hanging by a hangnail to survive through this “pitch darkness.” In section 8 when it is getting close to the end of the story Eliezer looks in the mirror and has an impression made on him and said this. “From the depths of the mirror, a corpse gazed at me. The look in his eyes, as they stared into mine, has never left me.” This quote from Eliezer was his final statement about the effect the Holocaust has had on him. The Holocaust has made many people lose their faith in God, their will to live, and it had lasting impacts on all the

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