Loss Of Bees Discrimination Essay

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There would be many repercussions of a sudden, massive loss of important pollinators. They are important and affect many areas of our lives. The bees are especially important for pollinating our crops, without them we would lose a lot of our food supply. They don’t pollinate every crop, but many are affected. This includes fruits like apples, peaches, pears, and. It also affects different vegetables like cauliflower, cabbage, lima beans, and okra. Cotton, nuts, and seeds are some more crops and resources we would lose. There is much more that would be affected, and would make a dramatic difference in our lives. Pollination allows the plant to produce full-bodied fruit with seeds. Without being pollinated, the plant could produce smaller fruit, diseased fruit, or no fruit at all. The fruit could mature to slow or not all the way. The fruits produce seeds and without seeds, there couldn’t be new plants. Eventually, without new plants, the plant being pollinated would disappear without the pollination of bees. …show more content…

There has been an annual loss of bees of 30 to 90 percent since 2006. This loss of bees has an impact on farmers, beekeepers, crops, and people who consume products bees assist with producing. The farmer’s crops will not reproduce and grow healthy without the pollination of bees. Beekeepers will lose all their bees and not be able to produce honey. This will have an affect on the economy because if they can’t produce product then they will lose their jobs. This industry is the beginning of our food supply and without it we would lose lots more jobs and especially vital food with

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