Lord Of The Flies Political Analysis

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In the book Lord of the flies, there are some subjects that have a political theme to the story. The objects in the story have a theme connected to a political scene. These objects would the island as the world, and the conch the moral stands that everyone follows, the littluns as the general population and the hunters as the military. The people in the book to whom represented ideologies of today and throughout history. These people are Jack as a dictator, Raph as a republic, and Piggy as the democracy. Today, there are topics that relate to a political standpoint. The first theme that the topic is talking about is how objects or groups of people. Here are some themes that the book mentioned, such as the island as the world or a country, …show more content…

When the book talks about the conch, there are some deep meanings to a political spectrum, such as a constitution or a moral standard or a call to order of the world or the island in this case. In this conch was blown there were more boys that came hence the call to order. When this happened, the boys came and later accepted the concept of the conch as the constitution. As time progressed however, the couch was losing its power because there were some contention between the boys thus causing the events of end chapters. In chapter eleven, the disagreements became so enthralled that the conch has lost meaning of the boys and it became shattered. This meant that the moral standards dispersed and it turned into of what's it called: every man for himself or in this sense every boy for himself thus ending the conch. The next subject of this theme that the author allude to is the island which was the representation of the …show more content…

In the beginning the boys were just a group of people with the same principles with no fighting among them. As the book progressed the boys eventually split into two groups due to disagreements of Ralph and Jack. The first group from the book is the author’s representation as a general population. In the book they are all the people of the society. They are weak if not united but when united they have a leader. This caused that there should be a leader with two candidates for this role, Jack and Ralph. By a democrat vote assembled by Piggy, the boys picked Ralph to lead because he had the conch which was used to call to order. Since Jack could not be leader, he had to get his choir, so he lead that group. As the time went on for the book there is some disagreements that caused the boys to divide two functions. The one of the themes is the littluns and the other is the hunter which is the army. By the end of the book there people of the littluns became taken down by the hunters and forced to join Jack’s end of the island. In the end, the first theme is how objects or groups of people relate to this topic The next topic that the people who represent political systems of the author’s

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