Lord Of The Flies Jack's Leadership

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Ralph's style of leadership is much more caring and responsible than Jack's. Early on, Ralph uses the conch to bring order to their meetings and to bring everyone together, and to give everyone a fair chance to talk. He also shows consideration to everyone, both the older boys and the younger ones . He shows care for the littluns and everyone in their group, worrying about their well being,problems, and health with the beasties,nightmares, and sleep being taken care of. Ralph always followed his rules and expectations that he instated,he expects shelters to be built and large signal/cooking fire, so he works on the shelters with the others and builds the signal fire. He also expects the signal fire to be started and tended totoo. Jack is way different in the way he leads than Ralph, he uses his status of the choir and a hunter to assert himself as a leader. Even though Jack agrees with Ralph at the beginning and wants to have rules and wants them to be strictly followed, he does not follow them or keep them himselfhimslef. He uses his position as choir leader to become a hunter and exclude himself from the hard work and menial tasks like watching the large signal fire or building shelters on the beach. In the conch …show more content…

Ralph wants to be a good leader and be a good honest leader to his best ability, doing what is best for the entire group, not just the older boys and not just the younger ones. Ralph shows and proves that he cares about everyone's survival and wellbeing rather than just himself or a select few, on multiple occasions unlike Jack. Jack is just very hungry for power and meat, and seeks to be chief so he has power and can lead and do as he pleases. Jack's attitude toward the other boys and the rules reveals him to be self-centered and only concerned with his own plans and

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