Lord Of The Flies Antithesis

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The sum total of all these man made evils, instinct of savagery, and the animalistic human tendances is collectively symbolized into one being: the beast. Though it originally is dismissed as nightmare and irrational concern, as the group of children strayed further from the logistics and intellect of civilization the more concrete and legitimate the beast becomes. Simon, the only character able to reasonably engage in nature, comes to the conclusion that the beast, the Lord of the Flies, is within each human and will always reside within man after hearing the beast itself speak in an apparition stating, “Fancy thinking the beast is something you could hunt and kill!... You knew it didn't you? I’m part of you?” followed by a promise of “fun” …show more content…

Jack, like Ralph, represents, in addition to the components of chaos, a psychological qualities shared by all humans. From the first meeting, he wished to be in command and from then began his rivalry with Ralph, mirroring the internal conflict between the principles each convey, selflessness and self serving, empathy and apathy, and intentions for greater good and hunger for complete power. As time on the island passes, he is quick to forget his previous lifestyle off the island and assumes more savage characteristics and easily gives into to his impulses. He loses most of his civilized qualities and thereafter fully embraces his instinctual drive. He even alters his physical appearance to mirror the changes within him: “he made one cheek and eye socket white, then he rubbed red over the other half of his face and slashed a black bar of charcoal across from right ear to left jaw...He looked in astonishment, no longer at himself but at an awesome stranger.” Unfortunately, the other boys succumb to these same instinctual primitive temptations and allow Jack more power over them. He begins to manipulate them by using tactics that appeal to these parts of the psyche, such as the promise of immediate rewards in the form of pigs meat, and the fear of the beast. The longer the boys stay on the island, the less they concern themselves with Ralph’s

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