Longleat Hedge Maze

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Five Most Impressive Green Mazes in the World

The real entertainment for the brave can be very different from person to person, but trying not to get lost in the tangled passages of the most complex mazes, of course, will be enjoyed by everybody. It is psychologically very difficult to make such a journey from the beginning to the end, especially to those who had been observing the signs of claustrophobia in their conduct, however, the rest can always try their luck in navigating through artfully tangled passages of the most beautiful and green mazes of our planet.

Longleat Hedge Maze, UK

Longleat Hedge Maze is one of the longest labyrinths in the world. To create it, designer Greg Bright had used 16,000 English yew trees. The area of this maze is 0.6 hectares, and the length of all its passages is 2700 meters. Inside of it, there are a few wooden bridges that connect transitions and make it much easier to find the exit, as they offer excellent visibility. Getting lost in this maze is a mandatory part of the path to the lookout tower, located in the center of Longleat Hedge Maze, while the abundance of sharp turns will help you in doing this.

Reignac-Sur-Indre Maze, France …show more content…

Its area is as much as 4 hectares. In addition to its impressive size, Reignac-Sur-Indre Maze is also known for the fact that every year it disappears and reappears. Besides, it usually reappears in another form. It is grown by using some sorts of annual plants, such as corn or sunflower, which also bring a good harvest. Travelers comment this maze with a large affection and recommend to go there at least once in order to try their strength in finding the exit of the largest maze in the world, while the locals reward the brave souls, who have managed not to get lost in winding passages, with

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