Logic of an Article

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Background 1) The main purpose of this article: The purpose of this article is to present the findings of a study done to determine if gay men and straight men could detect the sexual orientation of another man and which one was superior in doing so by only using the visual senses. 2) The most important information in this article is: • Knowing the terminology surrounding the gay and lesbian population (i.e. gay, straight, bisexual, and their definition of “family” • How isolation may affect those of the gay and lesbian community • The motivating factors behind gay, lesbian and straight individuals wanting to know the sexual preference of another individual • The identifying stereotypes used by the various groups to identify those of the gay/lesbian community 3) The main inferences/conclusions in this article are: The percentage of gay men who were able to identify other gay men was 64.22%, while the straight men’s percentage was 53.50%. The standard deviations were similar in that for gay men it was 17.765 and for straight men the standard deviation was 17.016. The conclusion drawn by the author in this study was there was not much of a difference between the gay or straight men’s results. It was also determined the study may have been biased by having all the participants come from an area that has a high percentage of gay men, leaving the straight men at an advantage of identifying the gay men in the videos. Analyses of the Argument 1) The main assumption(s) underlying the author’s thinking is (are): • All people of the LGBTQ community has the ability to perceive those who are of the same population with a great accuracy • “Straight” men cannot have Gaydar. They do not have the ability to perceive who is gay or who isn’... ... middle of paper ... ...as not supported. The evidence was not compelling in that the test results were too close to say for certain gay men are superior in identifying other gay men only by visual means. Again, I don’t believe the implications were relevant in this study. The study was qualitative in nature, but I believe to really support what the author was trying to portray a much larger scale of men should have been studied. This study could be further researched by not only studying the gay population, but the bisexual and lesbian population as well. I believe this would be a good study to do more on a quantitative level through surveys, attaining participants from a variety of locations to see if locality actually plays a part in how this population identifies those of the same population. I would also like to see maybe not such a controlled study, but more out in a public setting.

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