Lock Them Up And Throw Away The Key Essay

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Lock Them Up and Throw Away the Key
Other than the death penalty, life without parole is the cruelest sentence that a person can receive in the United States. The way people viewed childhood in the United States by the end of the nineteenth century changed drastically. Julia Lathrop, Jane Adams, and Sophonsiba Breckinridge were reformers that helped emphasize that children were innocent, malleable, and vulnerable. They described children’s deviant behavior as just a part of their developmental process and they could easily be rehabilitated. Because of their activism, juvenile courts were set up across the country. Children’s cases were taken away from adult courts. The idea of children being able to be rehabilitated unfortunately change in …show more content…

In twelve years, Terrance Graham will be getting out of prison. He will be forty years old if, “he can make it out” (Drinan). Being behind bars as a young inmate in an adult facility for twenty-five years is an every day struggle to survive. Terrance Graham does have access to many educational opportunities and a simple game of chess is risky. He has witnessed another inmate’s rape during his first days of prison, and recently watched another young inmate be killed. He lives among many older inmates that have “nothing to lose” and every day is a quest to survive (Drinan). Even if Terrance Graham could get out one day, he will be labeled as a criminal the rest of his life. As Howard Becker states in his labeling theory, deviance is not in the act itself, but rather in how society responds to it. When he is free, he will have that label hanging over him that will give him career contingencies and make it hard for him to get by. The Supreme Court’s decision to abolish life without parole sentences for children that are seventeen or under who are convicted of non-homicide offenses was an amazing achievement for the United States and a great step forward but looking at the rest of the world this is actually a very small

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