Link Between Drugs And Crime Essay

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Link between Drugs and Crime

The link between drug and crime is an ongoing topic of debate in UK society and though there would appear to be a widespread correlation, the precise type of linkage is the subject of debate. There are many studies, articles and reviews on the topic but it would appear the drugs-crime relationship varies with the type and grade of drug and the extent of drug abuse. This makes the subject extremely wide in its range, therefore for the purpose of this assignment the link between drug users and their propensity to commit property crime will be examined. The principle reason for this singular examination correlation is to look at differing views on one specific area. According to Harrison& Backenheimer, 1998 and Dobinson & Ward, 1996 there are arguments that some drug use might escalate violent crime, whilst other types of drugs abuse might to lessen the urge to commit crime.
The way those who use drugs and commit crimes to property are multifarious, with some very direct causation between specific drugs abuse to commit crime. Best et al., 2001 delve deeper into correlation between drugs and crime. They argue that some drugs release inhibitions to fear and morality causing the abuser to commit crime. Sometimes acts of committing criminal offences may in themselves lead …show more content…

This link comes into a broad bracket whereby socially dysfunctional lifestyles brought upon by squalid living conditions and economic marginalization create a direct link to criminal lifestyles (Singleton et al.,1999). There appears no rational explanation to specific groups of people involved in a criminal lifestyle either driven by drug use or to finance the lifestyle that high designer drugs such as heroine and crack cocaine can lead to. In order to understand the various shades of linkage between drugs and crime different scenarios can be

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