Life Was Like A Box Of Chocolates

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“Life Was Like a Box of Chocolates”
You run your hands over the ribbed texture of the box’s wrapping, picking at the edge, until you create a small rip. You then slide your fingers inside and tear at it, your taste buds being pushed to their limits of deprivation. You veer inside and spot a chocolate that has you salivating. This is what you’ve been waiting for. This is a moment of indulgence.
Famously stated in the movie, Forrest Gump, was “Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.” (Forrest Gump 3:39) This is an accurate depiction of how diverse of a route life may take. I have learned through trial and error that it is important for us to live in the moment. This remains an ongoing goal, since all moments will change as time goes by. Therefore, learning this will attribute to my own personal ongoing happiness.
“Don’t think about what can happen in a month. Don’t think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.”
-Eric Thomas
David G. Myers infers “People emphasize the ‘pursuit of happiness’ and undervalue the ‘happiness of pursuit’ ” (479). In other words, life is the journey and in reality the end destination is, unfortunately, our demise. So let’s make every second count while we venture through our lives, and make ourselves aware that no matter what the present situation is, time will always be passing by. In this time, are the little moments in life that can be overlooked and quickly forgotten. Our goal should be to stay mindfully in the present, taking in all the joy that may hide itself in our day to day journey.
While striving to enjoy the little things in life, create a world in whi...

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... we want in life, unless of course we decide that it’s not ultimately what we desire. Instead of having a mindset where you feel the need to trudge through these tasks, and think of nothing but to be finished, learn to make the best out of a possibly boring and unwanted situation.
So indeed, life IS like a box of chocolates. Once opened, you are able to sift through all your options, and maybe by means of random desire, or possibly fate choosing to subtly intervene, one is chosen. Now the choice is ours. Do we choose to keep and consume the rich and chewy caramel that we are positive will stick to our teeth; an ongoing sweet and succulent reminder of our prior choice? Or will we simply put the tempting chocolate down and aside, and decide that this is not what we want in this moment or our lives? We have the freedom to decide; the present is ours to live.

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