Life Of Pi Rhetorical Analysis Essay

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Life of Pi The daily struggles that one may face in life provide a basis of potential for self-discovery and personal growth. Many people will overcome these conflicts and emerge with a sense of empowerment and self-assurance. Canadian author, Yann Martel, showcases these interpersonal achievements through the eyes of Pi in his recent award winning novel, Life of Pi. Martel describes not only the emotional and physical struggles, but also the moral and spiritual struggles Pi must face as he fights for survival on the ocean with a Bengal tiger named Richard Parker as his companion. Throughout this multifaceted epic journey, Martel utilizes a first-person limited narrative for Pi. This technique allows the reader to delve into each aspect of Pi’s experiences as they occur, through his encounters and his …show more content…

By creating a sense of intimacy, the author allows the reader to connect with Pi on a personal and emotional level. Despite the unbelievable circumstances put forth, Martel taps into the readers willing suspension of disbelief through the use of vivid imagery and picturesque narrative. Throughout this highly praised novel, reoccurring themes such as resilience and wonderment can be found while in the face of adversity. Martel further reveals the internal struggles one faces when put in situations that test their values and morals, bringing to light the good and bad that exist within all of us to some extent. Pi, in particular, is forced to make many decisions that go against the values and morals he once felt so strongly about. While there are many key moments where Pi must make such decisions, one would argue that the climax in this novel is the moment where Pi realizes he must indeed co-exist with and tame Richard Parker - for it is this process that enables Pi to maintain hope, sanity and come to terms with the drastic measures he must take in order to survive while overcoming

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