Life Of Pi Essay

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Life Of Pi Essay – Creative Title?
The novel Life Of Pi by Yann Martel is the story of a 16 year old boy stranded on a life boat. Religion is of the utmost importance to Piscine Molitor Patel, also know as Pi. Throughout Pi's life he practices three religions, that shape who he is. As a result of Hinduism, Christianity, and Islam Pi survives on the life boat, because of the morals he has from his faiths.
Pi was born and raised a Hindu, he has all the morals a Hindu would and should have. Pi understands life through his Hindu faith. He states “ But religion is more than rite and ritual. There is what the rite and ritual stand for. Here too I am a Hindu. The universe makes sense to me through Hindu eyes. There is a Brahman, the world soul, the sustaining frame” (Martel 60). From this one can see that Hinduism is more than just a ritual to Pi. He says the universe makes sense to him through Hindu eyes, this means that he comprehends the good, and bad in the world. Thus one can inquire that because of this he accepts that being stranded at sea is just life. Pi does not lash out and bla...

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