Life Of Pi Courage Vs Fear Essay

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Courage Despite Fear Piscine Molitor Patel, otherwise known as Pi, spends 227 days in a lifeboat on the Pacific Ocean with a tiger named Richard Parker. His stories are told in the book, Life of Pi by Yann Martel. Pi and his family board a cargo ship Tsimtsum with some of their zoo animals to go to Canada. The ship acquires unknown problems and sinks that leaves Pi by himself with an orangutan, zebra, hyena, and a tiger on a lifeboat. The theme of courage despite fear is shown throughout this novel. Pi faces extremely fearful challenges, but courageously confronted them, resulting in innovative and creative solutions. Throughout the beginning of Pi’s trek through the ocean, he watches the hyena attack the zebra and orangutan. He finally …show more content…

Pi comes up with a solution of keeping his distance from the Bengal tiger. It took courage to do what Pi did that day. He builds a raft with life jackets and oars and hopes that sharks won’t attack and bump into him (148). “Only fear can defeat life” (161). The theme fear is demonstrated by various examples in the Life of Pi. In order to survive, Pi tries methods of fishing for turtles, dorados, and even sharks. Turtles are often tough and frightening to catch, because of their flopping fins and big bodies. They are the one of the best sources of nutrients, because of their blood and flesh. Another example of encountering fear was the training of Richard Parker. Pi wants to train the tiger to respect and view him as the boss. He blows a whistle that makes Richard Parker sulk down to his designated territory. Direct eye contact and being firm with where the animal was, is part of the training process. If the animal takes a step into one’s territory, the person should blow the whistle as hard as he can. In doing that, the animal would soon realize that it shouldn’t go to that part of the boat. A turtle shell was a source of protection for Pi while he was training the tiger. Pi gains more confidence and was less fearful of being eaten alive by Richard

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