Isolation In Life Of Pi

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Humans and animals have been close companions for thousands of years. We often rely on animals for joy, emotional support, and friendship. This theory relates to an animal character who affects the wellbeing and survival of the protagonist in the novel “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel. The story, based on true events, tells of a boy named Pi and his journey at sea with a 450-pound Bengal tiger called Richard Parker. Pi gets stranded at sea with Richard Parker and must learn how to survive in close quarters with a wild animal while still caring for himself. Richard Parker played a vital role in Pi’s survival due to how he provided much-needed companionship, gave Pi a reason and the will to live and kept him occupied on the boat with daily tasks. …show more content…

Pi experienced various mental and physical adversities during his journey. However, since Richard Parker relied on Pi for his own survival, Pi was given daily chores and responsibilities in order to care for Richard Parker. The quote on page 212 exhibits this aspect. “I kept myself busy. That was the key to my survival….and Richard Parker was a regular disturbance. Accommodating him was a priority I could not neglect for an instant” (Martel 212). Pi was always fearful for his life on the boat. He was in close quarters with an animal who was ultimately wild and aggressive. Richard Parker was a zoo animal for most of his life and had become accustomed to having the necessities of life such as food, water, and shelter being given to him by a zookeeper. However, on the lifeboat, Pi had to assume this role by accommodating Richard Parker with everything that was necessary to sustain him. Despite the obvious challenges that come with feeding a 450-pound tiger, these daily chores were indeed an asset to Pi’s overall well being. The daily life on the boat was very difficult and these small tasks kept Pi busy. “Life on a lifeboat isn’t much of a life...Physically it is extraordinarily arduous and morally it is killing.” (Martel 241). The mental health of Pi was already put in jeopardy due to the length of time he spent at sea. Caring for Richard Parker kept Pi from going insane. If Richard Parker had not been on the boat the fate of Pi could have been similar to that of the Blind

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