Life Cycles Of Conodonts

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Conodonts are tiny, tooth-like, extinct microfossils that lived during the late Cambrian to the late Triassic period. They ranged anywhere from .22mm to 6 mm in length and were found mostly in marine sedimentary rocks of the Paleozoic age.
Conodonts are composed of calcium phosphate and range in color from translucent light color to a black. Conodonts are believed to have been small marine invertebrates living in the open oceans and coastal waters. Although Conodonts remained a puzzle for years, they were they were Conodonts are classified in the class Conodonta which includes jawless fish through to jawed vertebrates in the Phylum Chordota. Clearly very little can be stated about the possible life cycles of conodonts since the host organism

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