Lgbtq Community Reflection

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When I think of the LGBTQ community I will say that the one that I have the least understanding of is the transgender community. I have researched and watched videos but they only got me so far with the answered I seek. I needed to be able to have face to face conversation with someone to help me. Having Mae come talk to us was an answer to a prayer. She answered so many of the questions that I had and gave me insight that I would have never had if not for having the chance to talk to her. With everything that we have read and listened to the last couple of weeks I think the biggest thing that I have learned was about all the different identities that are out there. I knew of some but after watching the video with the college students and …show more content…

Knowing what is around me locally is almost more important than knowing nationally. I want my clients to be able to connect to people in their own town and have the chance to have those face to face interactions that are so key to living a healthy happy life. Some of my local resources will be my professions and Idaho State University Counseling and Testing Center. I would assume that I can do the safety zone training even after I have graduated from the program. I believe having the safety zone training will help answer some of the questions that I have when it comes to meeting my clients for the first time. That training is definitely on my to-do list so that I can be a better multicultural counselor to my clients. I feel blessed that I live in a day and age where I can literally go online and find resources and knowledge at my fingertips. I cannot imagine how much the world is going to change with the LBGTQ community during the course of my career. I have hopes that it will become more acceptable to people and that this community can have peace and freedom to be who they truly are without the dangers that they face now. I am only one person but as one person I can change my clients’ life by accepting them for who they are and being a support to

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