Letter To Galileo Research Paper

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I am writing this letter to inform you on how inaccurate you are about Galileo’s discoveries. The Geocentric model has our beloved home, Earth, in the center of the solar system and never moves. For hundreds of years we believed the Geocentric model was the explanation of where our planet is placed. I’m sorry to say but we were all wrong. The true place Earth is put is shown on the Heliocentric model. It has the sun as the center of our solar system and Earth revolving around the sun. As you know Galileo made many discoveries, that you won't believe, that proved that the Heliocentric system was legitimate.The three discoveries I will use to get you to believe galileo was right are the motions of Venus’ four moons, the phases of venus and kepler law on an ellipse. I truly believe Galileo’s work is correct and will change how we see the world. Maybe the true reason why you do not believe Galileo is because you do not understand. In a geocentric system, Earth is at the center of the revolving planets and stars. The geocentric system was created by Greek astronomers, who believed the universe to be perfect, with Earth at the center. Later on a Greek astronomer future developed the Geocentric model. The only difference made in this newly developed model was that …show more content…

In a heliocentric system, Earth and the other planets revolve around the sun. As you know the Heliocentric system was not accepted. The people couldn't believe Earth was not the center of the universe. Later on a name with the name, Nicolaus Copernicus was able to work out the arrangements of the known planets and how they moved around the sun. Galileo used a newly developed telescope to make discoveries that supported the Heliocentric model. One of the discoveries Galileo made that supported the Heliocentric model was the discoveries of Venus’s four moons. The motions of the moon's proved that not everything in the sky revolves around

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