Let People Keep Their Cultural Identities

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Many nations around the world would cease to exist if they were not made up of so many people with so a variety cultures. Many ideals and biases have been established that state that many cultures should assimilate and become one with the majority. Another bias is Multiculturalism which states that an individual is able to keep one's cultural identity and create unity through this. What seems to be the most successful and easiest way to create unity is to let people keep their cultural identities. It assists in the making make a united union because it allows many people of many different cultures to express themselves and share ideas. Multiculturalism also acts as a pull factor which is that all other cultures will be accepted. Also, with multiculturalism, culture barriers will not stand in the way of people fitting in with society giving individuals a sense of freedom that they are not obligated to become part of a cultural majority. …show more content…

By only having only one set culture, people turn to believe that there can only be one majority culture and tend to think that their ways are in some way the most effective . Also that a nation may not get the chance to experience how the many other nations of the world work and how they can contribute to society. By having a vast variety of people with different backgrounds, a much greater number of people can share ideas in different ways that others. Assimilation rarely gets to have this opportunity as the assimilated society will have a very large majority and a minority that may not be even be completely listened

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