Lessons I Learned To Prevent Adversity

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What lessons have you learned, or personal insight have you gained, that helps you prevent your adversity from having a negative impact on your present and future? (100-150 words required)
I try to focus the energy and feelings that fuel my adversities into my positive attitude. Personally,that is one of the biggest strategies I use to take my mind away from the problems I deal with. Eventually, those issues return, but when I take the time to relax, I am able to think more clearly and understand my situation a lot better. Other times, I talk to someone else about it and explain my situation to them. These people might be Doctors, Counselors, Coworkers, Coaches and anyone that I might feel comfortable talking to. In my case, my grandfather …show more content…

(100-150 words required)

To some extent, my adversities have indeed impacted my life. My grandfather’s passing was one of the most memorable losses that I have ever experienced. The fact is that I had not seen him in such a long time and when the thought came to me, I blamed myself for not having taken time to come visit him. For a while, I suffered through a mild depression and whenever I saw an elderly person, It would always remind me of my grandpa. As a result,I became lost and confused until I talked to someone about it. Even though that doesn’t sound like a interesting way to get help, It definitely helped me.

There were many people and organizations that had a positive Impact on me and helped me overcome my obstacles. Genesys Works, an organization that trains low income High School students to be young professionals in fortune 500 companies has not only helped me but many others in the program to overcome their difficulties. Ever since I was a young boy, I was always terrified of speaking to other people but when the idea of public speaking was introduced to me, I was completely terrified. That was when Genesys Works came to the rescue.They helped me practice and gave me so much confidence when I stood up in front of people. There was also my Doctor and my Counselor who also contributed to offering me help when my grandpa Died. They were some of the first who noticed that there was something

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