Leis Cheverfoil Analysis

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Lais Cheverfoil and Eliduc by Marie de France tells stories, which the author took from sources, usually well known to the public. Therefore, her Cheverfoil is a story in which the first audience saw many more moments and shades than were written in leis. Eliduc was not such a famous love story, so Marie gave more details about the characters, their actions, and feelings. At the same time, these leis tell about the life and deeds of knights and therefore are united by a particular internal code, that the medieval audience was familiar with, so they understood more than modern readers. The very existence of the rules of the noble knight gives grounds to compare the heroes of these leis precisely as knights, not heroes of love adventures, even though these leis are about love, not about knightly service.
It is worth remembering that medieval secular literature for a long time produced courteous literature, in which there was a significant number of genres. However, the primary feature was the image of the knight, his exploits, his devotion to the overlord and other knights, desperate courage and the presence of the Courtly love, for which the knight was ready to go on a long journey. Women in these lais serve as fatal women, after meeting with whom life changes. At the same time, it should be remembered that the medieval world of chivalry is a …show more content…

Secondly, these lais describe magic love, because neither Tristan nor Eliduc could choose to fall in love with them or not, so they had to recognize the presence of this fatal passion and behave in accordance with their moral principles. Thirdly, since these texts center around the love line, it seems that this was the meaning of the life of these knights, but we can not be sure of

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