Lee Harvey Oswald's Case Analysis

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Criminologist are constantly evolving and trying to figure out why certain individuals commit crimes and why others do not. These types of questions among others have led several criminologists to conduct endless research and studies that have led to the creation of various theories. These theories try to explain why or what causes an individual to offend by studying their environment, behavior, and other circumstances. That may cause an individual to offend either by committing property crimes such as robbery, arson, forgery, etc. or personal crimes like assault, battery, or homicide (Shoener, 2016). In this case analysis I will be addressing a famous criminal by the name of Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald is famously known for killing the 45th …show more content…

Hidell, or Lee Oswald was born on October 18, 1939 to Marguerite and Robert Oswald Sr. (Editor, B. n.d.). Unfortunately, Oswald did not have a desirable childhood. His father Robert died before his birth leaving his mother Marguerite to provide for Oswald and two brothers Robert and John. As time progress Marguerite continued to struggle and was unable to provide for Oswald, Robert, and John who were later sent to an orphanage for 13 months in 1942-1943 (Hidell). Oswald and his brothers were later released from the orphanage and returned with their mother. Lamentably, by this time Oswald began to be show antisocial characteristics. He became isolated, tempered, and emotionally detached which began to show. When Oswald allegedly threatened John’s wife and struck his mother at a young age (Hidell). After this incident Oswald began to see a psychiatrist and his behavior began to improve. Sadly his mother decided to move back to New Orleans, which prevented him to continue his therapy sessions. This resulted in Oswald dropping out of high school in the 9th grade and never graduating from high school (Hidell). After Oswald and his mother moved back to New Orleans, he began to develop an interest for socialist literature (Editor, B.

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