Leading Causes Of Drowning In The World

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There are many definitions given for drowning, but they all give the basic description; suffocating or being underwater for a long period of time, incapable of breathing properly. Drowning is one of the largest major public death occurrences in the world and happens to all age groups, mostly in young children. However, we can prevent drowning very easily; all we need to do is provide a high quality education, safety lessons to help yourself and your community and supply solutions on how we can put a stop to the issue.
There are endless lists of leading causes of drowning that we should all take into consideration and give advice to people who are not able to access this information. If we look into the causes, one of the main reasons would be the inability to swim. Many children cannot swim at a certain age and usually end up falling in or are unsupervised around public pools or beaches. There are major concerns with swimming in large crowds such as not being able to see the child underwater or if there are a series of large waves coming towards them. Besides the fact that the force of waves is …show more content…

It doesn’t always depend on how much knowledge you know, but on how responsible your actions are. A large amount of people in urban areas die from drowning because their parents think leaving their children alone around the pool is safe if there is a cover or that drinking alcohol doesn’t affect your ability to swim. Putting aside ages below 5 that have a large risk due to not being able to swim properly yet, adults have just as many separate causes. Statistics show that teenagers and adults (aged 15-55) have a higher risk on drowning (48%) than children between the ages of 5-14 (3%). This is because they are irresponsible when they go out or are

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