Le Strategy Management Philosophy Derived From Toyota Production System

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Part I
Lean is strategy management philosophy derived from Toyota production system which follow the culture of continuous improvement, maximizing value and minimizing waste by focusing on key activities. It is strategy which focuses on increasing customer value by minimizing waste. It involves a series of activities to minimize waste and non-value added activities from the production system through good customer relation, supplier network, factory management and improve the value added process. (http://www.lean.org/WhatsLean/, 2016)
The key focus of lean is to eliminate the waste it can be through any activity that does not added value to the customers. An activity is called value added when three conditions are meet (i) when activity lead to transformation of product or service. (ii) Customer must be willing to pay for it. (iii) It must be done correctly the first time.
Lean management tools:
5s: this lean tool of 5s focuses on creating an environment which is comfortable, more systematized, and safe so that efficient and effectiveness in work can be achieved. This is also a motivating tool as this make …show more content…

There was problem of safe working environment and organized system of keeping thing as batches of components were there on the floor and in working space which led to hidderence of working and led to time wastage at work place. Wastage of inventory and resources was another problem as there no proper system of car manufacturing in rise demand they increase production rapidly and in low demand there was less work so this pre planned car manufacturing was causing lot of loss of inventory and led to rise in manufacturing cost of cars. So these problems were solved by lean production

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