Laurie Misbehaved In Shirley Jackson's Charles

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"Charles" There is no doubt that Laurie misbehaved in "Charles." This peculiar short story, written by Shirley Jackson, provides enough information to see how Laurie's actions were immature. Laurie misbehaved to avoid retribution. The conflict is, Laurie, A student in kindergarten and an older brother of an infant child, did not adjust well to kindergarten. "Charles" takes place during the 1950's, in Laurie's home and school. While Laurie had trouble adjusting initially, he had found a crafty way to avoid trouble. Laurie is a deceptive troublemaker. In the words "Laurie thought," (Shirley Jackson 345) it shows that Laurie has to think for a moment, giving him time to come up with a plausible lie. Laurie's mother did not discover her son's

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