Latino Citizenship

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Citizenship refers to the state of belonging and enjoying the right and freedom associated with being a legal member of a sovereign state. Cultural refers to the way of life. Cultural citizenship refers to the state of being a member of state while retaining the uniqueness and differences of being associated with a particular cultural identity.

How does it relate to Latino/a presence in the US?

The Latino community refers to the people of Latino American descent. Most of the time, Latino experience racial and ethnic profiling based on their un- American culture. Cultural citizenship implies being an American citizen without necessary having to be forced assimilate other cultures in order to fit into the American society.

In our context, cultural citizenship is about retaining the Latino culture and social indentity while enjoying the equal rights and freedoms of being a citizen of America. When the American society experience hardship, it mostly point finger to the unwanted foreigners. There is need for acceptance and tolerance of people from different backgrounds. The American society should treat every citizen equally and fairly without discrimination based on cultural background.

Johnson (1998) highlights that the Latino community …show more content…

Stigmatization arises from stereotyping individuals associated the Latino identity with social problem, low social economic progress is undesirable perception in the American community structure (Oboler, 2007). This form of racial and ethnic profiling has pressured many Latino who are legally citizen of American to assimilate or risk being perceived as aliens thus being mistreated for failure to assimilate (Johnson, 1998). It should be mitigated by propagating the concept of cultural citizenship in the American community. Promotion of cultural citizenship positively influences the community to appreciate the values of multiculturalism in the

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