Latin Day At The Pawnshop Summary

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In Martin Espada’s 1987 poem “Latin Night at the Pawnshop,” setting affects the mood of this poem. First, the title highlights setting in this poem. It is nighttime. In contrast to the night, the poet’s use of “Latin” invokes colorful images of Latino Culture. Furthermore, combining the words Latin and night creates a vivid mental picture of fiesta for me. This might be because of the many nights I’ve spent in Mexico. Nonetheless, had Espada made the title “Latin Day at the Pawnshop”, I would be visualizing some weekday sales event for Latinos. You can see why the title is important here. Additionally, Espada treats the poem like music. A salsa band begins to play. Music erupts from the stillness of a cold, darkened street. The speaker’s phantom band plays the salsa one musical layer at a time until it comes to an abrupt end. The mood initially gives the speaker a sense of nostalgia and hope. However, that nostalgia turns to reality. Finally, the speaker finds himself face to face with the realization that his treasured culture is disappearing in this country.
The first stanza contrasts with the title. In the first stanza, “Chelsea Massachusetts / Christmas, 1987” (1-2), …show more content…

For it only lived inside a single thought. The speaker comes face to face with a sad reality. In this country, his cultural traditions are fading. The speaker compares the price tags on the instruments to the tags on a dead man’s toe (9-11). The speaker is offering the realization that five musical instruments aren’t serving their purpose while sitting in a pawn shop window. The pawn shop has become a morgue to the instruments. The instruments are lifeless like a body at the morgue. Both serve no purpose. All we have are their memories. The speaker brilliantly uses metaphor here. The dead man’s toe represents finality. The speaker has accepted this reality. It seems he might be giving up hope though. The instruments could find their purpose

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